New steering committee members elected
The steering committee expands with the election of four new members.
The Steering Committee of NRP 77 "Digital Transformation" so far consisted of eight international experts and the president, Prof Abraham Bernstein. In view of the large number of 46 approved research projects, the variety of tasks ahead and the resignations of Ursula M. Staudinger and of Joanna Bryson it became necessary to increase the number of members of the Steering Committee.
In accordance with the subject areas of the selected projects, the research council of the SNSF elected four additional members for the Steering Committee:
- Prof Sandra McNally, professor of economics at the University of Surrey, UK
- Prof Wolfgang Schulz, director of the Hans-Bredow-Institut for Media Research and professor for "Media Law and Public Law including Theoretical Foundations” at the Faculty of Law at University of Hamburg
- Prof Samuel Mühlemann, professor for Human Resource Education and Development, at the Munich School of Management, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- Rebecca Eynon, Oxford Internet Institute and Department of Education, University of Oxford
Since the inception of NRP 77, Ursula M. Staudinger and Joanna Bryson were a great support for the programme. Due to their recent nominations to new positions and additional responsibilities, they had to resign as member of the steering committee. The program management deeply regrets their resignations, but wishes them much success in their new tasks.